By Henry Williams The youth is most vulnerable to being coerced to partake in the abuse of drugs. Heroin is one commonly abused drugs in t...

Ways Of Treatment For Heroin Addiction

By Henry Williams

The youth is most vulnerable to being coerced to partake in the abuse of drugs. Heroin is one commonly abused drugs in the world today. Those who are addicted to the substance need immediate treatment for heroin addiction. It gives a false sense of relaxation and the drug user has no ability to perceive any pain. The most common signs of a heroin user include dry mouth, weight loss, and unnecessary alertness among other signs. For a drug user who has been using drugs before, it might be hard to see the signs but as time goes by it becomes evident.

One of the most common ways to treat this disease is through the long-term residential program. This program is non-hospital-based and it aims to take care of the patient for the whole day. It takes six months up to a whole year for full recovery of a patient. Here the therapeutic community model is used to rehabilitate the patient. He or she is taught on how to fully make peace with yourself, be social, responsible and accountable for your actions.

The short-term residential approach can also be used to help an addict. Victims of this drug abuse are taken to a hospital where they are treated. A twelve step approach is used to treat whereby an addict is taught on various topics apart from partaking in drug use. It takes three to seven weeks before a patient is released from the hospital. Upon release, the addict is advised to go for aftercare services such as self-help groups where you get other people who might have been facing the same problem but they are on their way to recovery.

Outpatient programs is another way of helping a heroin addict. It is less expensive than the inpatient program. These programs are suitable for people who are employed. It focuses on remodeling the addict back to the society and teaches them on how to be a good citizen. It is effective when one dedicates himself or herself to the program.

Individual counselling is also a way to help out a heroin addict. One has a face to face meeting with a therapist and explains to him or her the reasons as to why you take drugs. This method can be confrontational at times because it involves a lot of back and forth between the counselor and the victim. Proper advice is given on how to maintain sobriety.

Group counselling can also be used to help substance abusers. This type of counselling involves bringing a couple of drug addicts together who are willing to quit. Under the guidance of a counselor, they share their problems and count on one another for recovery.

For those who have over indulged in partaking the drug, the possibility of withdrawals is very high. There is a drug called methadone that counter attacks the urge to take heroin by weakening the nerve in the brain affected by the drug.

In the community, you should recommend any heroin addict to enroll in any of the above programs. This will help him or her to stay sober and take control of life again. A rehabilitated victim should advise younger people of the risks involved with addiction to this drug.

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