By Lyndon Zerna The aging process, environmental elements, and certain diseases can bring about major changes one's hormonal balance. ...

Understand Hormone Replacement Options With Philadelphia Functional Medicine Methods

By Lyndon Zerna

The aging process, environmental elements, and certain diseases can bring about major changes one's hormonal balance. When these levels no longer synchronized as they should be, one might experience symptoms which can make life rather uncomfortable at times. Philadelphia customized wellness programs can assist people in replacing missing hormones using functional medicine approaches.

Health care options are viewed quite differently in each field. The traditional way to address a condition is to simply match it with the surgical procedure, or pharmaceutical therapy, that is currently accepted as the standardized method for attending such circumstances. In this alternative approach, tests are run to determine the root cause of the ailment and to correct it as a means of controlling the symptoms.

For most people, the initial signs of hormonal imbalance begin manifesting in the mid-thirties. Some symptoms include changes in sexual desire, bone loss, mood swings, metabolic fluctuations, depression, hair loss, weight gain, hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, and anxiety. A typical mainstream approach to the situation would be to prescribe a different medication for each of these issues.

When the tests show that a hormonal imbalance is what is causing all the issues, functional medicine chooses to correct the main problem rather than mask each symptom individually. Quite often, this means boosting the low levels of missing elements by replacing them. Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid hormones are among those most commonly affected.

Synthetic products are what mainstream medical physicians generally opt to use when replacing missing elements. The medicines are chemically created by pharmaceutical companies in predetermined dosages. Not only do they pose a risk of unwanted side effects, but it is also likely that the individual will receive more than, or not enough of, the hormones they need to be balanced.

This progressive alternative prefers to use bioidentical hormones to replace what the patient is missing. While also created in a laboratory, these products are made using only naturally occurring ingredients that are able to identically match the molecular structure of those produced by the body. Dosages are customized in compounding pharmacies so that the individual gets exactly the amount they need.

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