By Paul Graham Staggering numbers of people are utterly addicted to one or more substances that are extremely dangerous to their health. I...

How To Recognize Important Substance Abuse Presentation Signs

By Paul Graham

Staggering numbers of people are utterly addicted to one or more substances that are extremely dangerous to their health. Illegal drugs are freely available everywhere in the world and unscrupulous dealers do not care a whit about the incredible damage that their greed causes. It is not only illegal drugs that pose a problem. Prescription drugs are abused by millions of irresponsible people. Families need to look out for the signs of substance abuse presentation.

It is scary to look at the statistics about the prevalence of addiction and the many different substances that can be abused and that can lead to dependency. In the United States two and a half million visits to emergency medical facilities each year are directly related to addiction and dependency on dangerous drugs. Every day, more than two thousand teenagers your than fifteen will experiment with drugs and at least fifty per cent of them will become addicted to more than one drug.

It is a sad fact that abusers endanger their very lives but even sadder is the fact that they so often destroy their own families in the process. Living with an addict can be hell on earth. They have only one priority and that is to get hold of their drugs. They will do anything. They will lie, manipulate, steal and threaten.

It is important to watch out for the signs. An early indication of addiction problems is when somebody all of a sudden forsake activities and sports that used to be an integral part of their daily lives. At the same time, strange behaviour may become apparent. A loved one suddenly withdraws socially, acts as if severely depressed and then suddenly reverse and become engaging, chatty and almost euphoric.

A red flag should pop up when a loved one starts to lose weight rapidly despite eating regularly. Many addicts simply stop eating altogether. Most harmful substances cause weight loss. The person concerned struggle to sleep, often roaming around all night only to sleep through an entire day. When they wake up they are often moody and extremely restless. These signs should rightly cause deep concern.

Physical signs include bloodshot eyes and constantly running noses. The pupils are dilated. The addict is nauseous and vomit without warning. They sweat throughout the day and they often struggle to breathe. All of these signs indicate an individual that has been addicted for some time and that is on the edge of suffering a severe health setback and even a fatal overdose.

It is not easy to help an addict. They seldom admit that they have a serious problem and that they need help. They often argue that they are on top of the situation and that they can stop any time they want. If their behaviour become disruptive to the point where they threaten the very safety and sanctity of the rest of the family it may be best to obtain an interdict and to force the addict into rehabilitation.

It is extremely sad that so many people feel that they cannot cope with life without the help of one or more substances that are guaranteed to eventually destroy their lives. Families need to accept the reality of addiction and they need to make sure that their children are aware of the dangers. At the first signs of possible abusive behaviour immediate action should be taken.

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