By Dorothy Watson In modern society, youth get access to oral and written materials on alcohol and substance abuse. These materials may st...

What Are The Features Of A Good Drug Education Program?

By Dorothy Watson

In modern society, youth get access to oral and written materials on alcohol and substance abuse. These materials may stress on the negative effects but the person may choose to ignore this fact. As a matter of fact, they often think that celebrities have made it through life despite their addiction to these drugs. They will emulate this concept thinking that they can get away with it. However, what they will not realize is that they are harming their bodies and general well being. A child needs to be introduced to a drug education program to help them analyze the risk factors.

To qualify as a mentor, you need to be a nonjudgmental person who understands the physical and psychological changes that young people face in their lives. You need to possess a caring heart so that the child can tell you his/her problems. That way, you shall be able to inform them on what they are going through and to help them in the process. At the end of the session, the student is able to make independent decisions whether to take the right path or not.

To make the sessions more interesting, the facilitators have taken advantage of audio visual aids to explain their plights. This is evident in the number of DVDs and books that they have released for public consumption. Once the individual gets his/her hands on such like items, he/she can get the general idea behind the prevention and education forums.

Volunteers and education workers formed an association known as Youth, Ownership and Understanding (YOU) in 2011. The participants are taken through a prevention program that lasts up to 8 weeks. The most a volunteer can do is to explain their experiences while they were using the drugs and how they got out of this bondage.

These programs often target schools since they are likely to find students there. They will conduct studies by interviewing them. What they have discussed will act as findings for the next subject matter to be discussed during the forum. Once they are certain on the findings, they can use it to explain the current situation.

Depending on what they find, they shall be able to observe the next move by the affected persons. Theirs is to advise the affected person to change their direction and to prevent others from engaging in the dangerous habit. They will ensure that the person makes independent choices on their own through these mentorship programs.

The best way to prevent a young person from engaging in drugs is by helping them to establish a purpose in life. This will prevent him/her from being idle. It is believed that a busy person has no time to think about it let alone use it.

The end goal for any peddler or baron is to make a profit. The user may not care about the end result at first since he/she is concentrating on the good feeling he/she is currently facing. The most unfortunate part is that such a person may become desperate, end up in jail or may succumb to illnesses and death itself.

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