By Ronald Morgan Alternative treatments are abundant in a time where illnesses and ailments are everywhere. Pharmaceutical options are exp...

How Do Magnetic Pulsers Work And How Can They Heal You

By Ronald Morgan

Alternative treatments are abundant in a time where illnesses and ailments are everywhere. Pharmaceutical options are expensive. People need treatment and it is only natural to try anything that can help.

The treatment for common ailments usually take form in a pill or syrup. Human advancement has given us technology for different types of alternate solutions and one of them are magnetic pulsers. This is a device developed by using atmospheric resonance with a specific range of frequencies. These is better known as Schumann Resonance.

Dr. Ludwig harnessed the Schumann resonance in a device that was proven to help ease common ailments and paved way to a new method of magnetic therapy. The pulser can help treat pain may they be physiological, neurological disorders and symptoms of psychological problems. Old age ailments, Some types of allergies, Back pain, cramps and nervousness are few of the many pains that can be treated with the device.

We can question how a simple machine that emits vibrations and waves can have healing effects. Science says that exposure to other types of waves and frequencies can affect the human body depending on its intensity. With the amount of wireless technology people are exposed to on a daily basis, unseen waves and vibrations can put any human body out of sync from its natural rhythm.

The disruption of the our natural state is basically the cause of disease. More and more people are having disturbed sleeping patterns and have circadian rhythms that are off kilter not only because of stress but also the lack of connection to more natural things. In consequence, day to day bodily functions do not perform at maximum efficiency and it becomes easier to get sick.

Magnetic therapy, in this case, becomes a biological tuning fork. With our bodies in its natural rhythm ability to resist infections is better, heal injuries faster and treat pain more efficiently than any pharmaceutical solution. Schumann resonance devices reach a cellular level of healing and well being.

The pulser is a device sold to the public that generates the Schumann resonance is used for treating different illnesses and ailments. There are different frequencies for a variety ailments. The device comes with a machine that makes a range of frequencies and a paddle for it to emit from and placed in an area on the body that needs treatment.

Schumann resonance devices are not a cure for all diseases. Opting for this type of therapy does not mean that medically advised treatments and medications can be forgone. These devices are for helping treat pain. Also, Pregnant women and people who have pacers are not allowed to undergo this treatment or use these devices.

Alternative treatment should definitely be considered even when it is not available as a mainstream medical option. The success of these supporting options should spur more research about the correlation of vibrations and waves and our health. Once proven, the alternative solutions may be readily available to those who badly need it.

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