By Nelson Clodfelter If you love pets, but find that you are allergic to them, you should make a trip to the offices of a trusted St. Loui...

How St. Louis MO Allergist Helps Animal Lovers With Pet Allergy Symptoms

By Nelson Clodfelter

If you love pets, but find that you are allergic to them, you should make a trip to the offices of a trusted St. Louis MO allergist. A lot of pet owners have been able to get relief for the symptoms of pet allergy by working with these types of professionals.

If you've been experiencing asthma, nasal and sinus congestion, excessive sneezing or a runny nose, skin rashes or eyes that are watery, red an itchy, an MO allergist can help you get relief. Following are a few tips that this professional might supply:

- Pet allergies frequently respond well to the under-tongue placement of liquid antigens that have been approved by the FDA. Allergy drops are know to provide relief to people who suffer from rabbit, hamster, dog, gerbil and cat allergies.

- If you have a pet who lives inside of your home, here are a few tips for actions that could alleviate your allergic reactions and symptoms: Always wear a dust mask when vacuuming your home and use a vacuum with a HEPA or high efficiency particulate air filter. Fit your HVAC system with an HEPA filter as well and make sure that this filtration component is used for no fewer than four hours each day. Get rid of your carpeting if possible. Hardwood and tile floors and even walls tend to be best for those who suffer from allergies. If you are unable to get rid of your carpeting, try steam cleaning it often. Use an electrostatic filter to limit or remove allergen particles from the inside air. Bedroom vents can be covered with a cheesecloth or other filtering material. Brush your animals outdoor in order to minimize pet dander. Washing pets on a weekly basis is not proven to have any significant value in the lessening of pet allergy reactions. Keep the bedroom of the person with allergies off limit to household pets and make sure that this space is cleaned thoroughly.

- A lot of people are able to gain considerable benefits from immunotherapy or allergy shots, antihistamine medications such as Benadryl, and steroidal and antihistamine nose sprays. A trusted St. Louis MO allergist will use many different methods for promoting relief - updated housekeeping strategies, immunotherapy and medical symptom control, in order to find the best range of actions for each individual.

- Don't feel alone. Studies have found that over 10 million pet owners are somewhat or highly allergic to their pets. Education is important to understand what can be done to reduce or eliminate allergy symptoms. Brush your pet at least once a week. Brushing spreads natural oils through their skin, loosens dander and dead hair, and helps to get rid of dirt. Brushing also helps to prevent matting, which is a primary cause of skin infections. Make sure to choose a brush made especially to handle either fine or coarse hair. Of course, if possible, the person who has the allergies should not be doing the grooming and brushing.

If the symptoms of an allergy last three months or longer within the year, think about getting allergy shots. These shots contain a very small quantity of pet dander or another allergen. It is common to experience some irritation around the injection area but this will usually abate on its own after approximately four to eight hours have passed.

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