By Charles Wallace One of the most devastating ailments afflicting people around the world is breast cancer. The disease is viewed with dr...

The Value Of Breast Cancer Survivor Jewelry

By Charles Wallace

One of the most devastating ailments afflicting people around the world is breast cancer. The disease is viewed with dread by many as it has potentially fatal effects. Many brave souls battle and defeat the killer illness though, and as a result, they feel the need to celebrate and rightly so. Breast cancer survivor jewelry helps to make this celebration a permanent and continuous phenomenon.

People who wear these accessories include men and women. This is because, although rare, the ailment also afflicts men. Additionally many men desire to wear the jewelries as a show of solidarity with and support for the women in their lives who fight the disease. This means that the accessories must be designed with the male wearer in mind.

These accessories function as sources of inspiration, recognition and comfort. For one, recipients who are gifted with them after successfully emerging from this medical hurdle, feel comforted as they realize that others recognize their struggle. Wearers of the items who are survivors often inspire others to fight the ailment. They are also really great awareness raisers as they draw attention to the horrible disease and the need for a globally concerted effort at finding a solution.

The jewelries that accessorize the body while commemorating triumph over this deadly hurdle come in many different forms. They are made as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, pendants and rings. The fact that they come in such a wide variety makes them ideal for varying types of wearers, which is very important since the wearers come from a wide cross section of society.

Some designers of these accessorizing pieces use traditional material in their creative process. These materials are gold and silver. Sometimes they use substitutes for gold and silver that may be less expensive. These less expensive materials make them more affordable for victors who may have spent so much money on the recovery process that they do not have much to spare for accessories.

Other jewelers use organic or natural raw materials. Seeds, beads, shells and beads are just a few of the natural resources used to create the accessories. Natural material helps to ensure that variety in shape contours and colors are available. Colors such as pink, for instance are achievable with natural resources. One such color is pink, one that has great symbolic significance with the ailment.

These items are often customized by jewelers. Customization may include the engraving of the survivor's name or dates of diagnosis and final treatment into the piece or it may include a poignant statement regarding the struggle. Either way, it adds a personal touch to the item and makes its sentimental value and inspirational effect even greater.

One of the greatest things about these pieces is that they are available online. Many jewelers have online stores from which customers can order and even state their customization requests. Traditional jewelers also provide similar services. Some persons prefer however to hand craft their own accessories. This increases the sentimental value associated with the piece. The fact that they are so easily accessible makes them the ideal gift to give to self and others.

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