By Frank Walker Using laser to treat pain is a quite new idea although it is growing in usage as its popularity increases too. The utiliza...

For Good Laser Treatments Maple Grove MN Offers A Recommendable Destination

By Frank Walker

Using laser to treat pain is a quite new idea although it is growing in usage as its popularity increases too. The utilization of Class IV lasers is involved in the use of lasers to treat pain. This process is photo chemical in nature. The lasers used are called cold lasers because they cannot cause pain on the skin and are normally very mild. Lots of research studies confirm that the clinical effects of cold lasers are painless. When one needs Laser treatments Maple Grove MN offers the perfect location to visit.

The lasers increase the ability of cells to take up nutrients and oxygen when they are shone on the body. Simultaneously, they raise the ability of the affected cell to pass out wastes and toxins. Also, the lasers increase the permeability of cells and this causes a sharp decrease in inflammation, swelling, and pain.

The photons from the lasers react with the chromophores found in the mitochondria of body cells. The reaction leads to the production of Adenosine TriPhosphate, usually abbreviated as ATP. ATP is a chemical energy that is responsible for stimulating rejuvenation and healing in the body. Thus, the aggregate effect of the lasers is improved healing and restoration of functions in the body.

A patient feels nothing or very little sensation when the treatment is being applied because of cold lasers being used. Some patients sometimes have an occasional mild, warm, and soothing feeling on the skin. During the treatment, one feels very relaxed and some patients even fall asleep not too long into the treatment. In some instances, some patients start experiencing pain after 6 to 24 hours of receiving treatment.

The pain felt by one is caused by the healing process beginning to occur. Every healing process begins with inflammation. Mostly, the pain occurs if the patient had chronic pain and often leads to the nerves being sensitized a lot. This pain is supposed to reduce in just a few days. However, the pains may persist for longer, but only in rare cases.

A typical treatment session will last about ten minutes. How long the treatment session lasts usually depends on how big the area that needs to be treated is. Acute conditions that cause significant pain may require being treated on a daily basis. The response of more chronic problems is better if treatment is administered 2 to 3 times in a week. How treatment is administered is usually decided on individual basis.

The number of treatments required by one so that they can feel better is always be determined by the nature of the condition that is being treated. An acute condition might need between 2 and 6 treatments before the patient can start feeling better. On the contrary, more severe conditions might require between 10 and 15 treatments. Severe arthritis and other conditions of the same kind always require continuous periodic treatments for quality results.

After only the first treatment, there are patients who begin to feel better. However, one should feel a difference after the 2nd to 4th treatment. Although the actual treatment lasts two minutes, the soothing effect one feels lasts even after administration of the treatment.

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